Image Credits

Credit: Tyler Salinas
A candle-lit vigil was held at the University of Virginia after the Charlottesville white supremacist march in 2017.
Credit: Casey Kilmartin
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sits surrounded by press at a congressional hearing.
Credit: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
Bryce Green, 12, center, takes part in a Black Lives Matter protest march with his friend Danilo Petrovic, 13, right, and others in April 2017 in Seattle. Several thousand people attended a downtown rally and then marched to the federal courthouse to call attention to minority rights and police brutality.
Credit: Ted S. Warren/Associated Press
Protesters clash at night at UC Berkeley.
Credit: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images
Pro-choice and pro-life protesters hold up opposing signs at a rally.
Credit: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

A crowd of people demonstrate in Strabourg, France, holding a sign that says "We are Charlie" in many languages.
Credit: Claude Truong-Ngoc/Wikimedia
Edward Snowden appears on the cover of Wired Magazine, clutching a U.S. flag and looking off into the distance.

Credit: Mike Mozart/Flickr
A Westboro Baptist Church member sits in between sets of protest posters in his living room.
Credit: Steve Hebert/The New York Times
Muslim protesters gather, with one holding a sign that reads, "Stop spying on me."
Credit: Photo by Seth Wenig/Associated Press

A man burns a U.S. flag in Copenhagen, Denmark, to protest the arrival of U.S. President George W. Bush in July 2005.
Credit: Unknown
Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg stands in front of a podium as he answers questions from the media.

Credit: Bernard Gotfryd, courtesy Library of Congress
Members of the Tinker family stand outside of their Iowa home.
Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images
Close up of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., on the phone after delivering a sermon at the Washington Episcopal Cathedral.
Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images
Mario Savio delivers a speech in front of crowds at UC Berkeley in 1964.
Credit: Associated Press
U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy holds both hands over microphones as he speaks to his chief counsel, Roy Cohn, during a hearing of the Senate Investigations Subcommittee in April 1954. The subcommittee was looking into McCarthy's dispute with top Army officials.
Credit: Byron Rollins/Associated Press
Anarchists, communists, and radicals who were rounded up in New York City during the Palmer Raids in January 1929 sit on benches at Ellis Island, as they await investigation and deportation proceedings.
Credit: Unknown/Wikimedia