Free Speech Workshops
Since launching in 2017, we have hosted several workshops focused on the intersection of Free Speech and a pressing topic in current affairs. Below is a snapshot of our efforts:
Serious Talk About Comedy: Free Speech Project Hosts Pop Culture Reporter

Ungar interviewed Izadi at last night’s workshop about her experience talking with well-known comedians, doing stand-up and the ways in which comedy can define and cross boundaries.
“There’s a history in this country and in other countries of comedy being a space where there are boundaries being pushed against people in power,” says Izadi, who also has covered everything from crime to Congress. “It’s a really powerful art form because you can very easily subvert ideas and get to the core of an issue.”

The Right to Lie
Chinese Censorship
Free Speech and Sports: Protect Sports Players’ Free Speech, Blackistone Says

“There are a lot of restrictions, constrictions in sports that you won’t necessarily find other places which is why when an incident, a moment does take place in sports, where someone exercises their freedom of speech, it becomes such a big story,” Blackistone said. “We’ve set this up as an arena, a stage, a platform where this is not supposed to take place, and where you have surrendered your right to freedom of speech in order to participate in these games.”